Nutmeg Publishing


Graphic Designer Designer

Adobe InDesign


How can I design yearbook and magazine spreads that authentically capture and celebrate UConn student life?


I began working as a graphic designer for Nutmeg Publishing during the summer before my sophomore year at UConn. Since then, I’ve designed over 35 spreads, totaling more than 70 pages, for the student yearbook and semesterly magazines. My work has covered a wide range of topics, from sports and UConn traditions to presidential visits and a Covid-19 timeline.



I used Adobe InDesign to design each spread, often incorporating other Creative Cloud software like Photoshop and Illustrator. As part of a collaborative team of designers, I regularly exchanged design feedback with coworkers, friends, the creative director, and the editor-in-chief on the executive board. Communication and iteration were essential in refining the spreads to their final form. Some of my favorite spreads are displayed below.

Diving Deeper
Serving Across the World
Lip Sync
Gunk House
Bomba Celebration
Block Party
Battle of the Bands
Staff/Letter from the Editor
Our Spaces
Ted's Concept Spread
Biden at UConn
LC Talks
Late Night Carnival
Senior Quotes
Covid-19 Timeline
Winter Scenery


I’m incredibly grateful to have been part of the Nutmeg community. Before joining Nutmeg, I had no experience in publication design, but the role pushed me to develop strong skills in Creative Cloud software. It was truly rewarding to see my designs come to life, from the screen to the printed page. I also deeply valued the creative community and collaboration that Nutmeg fostered, and I hope to find similar experiences in my future design endeavors.